Sesquicentennial celebration!

The year 2022 marks 150 years of ministry at Fifth Avenue Baptist Church! It is an honor to be part of a family of faith with a history as rich as ours, and we look forward to giving God the glory for it all as we celebrate throughout this anniversary year. Please stay tuned to this page and our social media channels for updates on upcoming events, historical tidbits, and MORE!

Sesquicentennial Newsletter

Calendar of Events

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  • Check out the Sesquicentennial sign in the Chapel lawn.
  • Pick up a "Save the Date" magnet at any service. 

Story Booth: Your story matters

Open through September 16th! 

As part of our Sesquicentennial celebration, we are collecting stories from our church family to preserve and share FAB's stories of faith for the generations to come. It is our hope that the stories you share will encourage others on their daily walk with the Lord, serve as warnings against temptation, and be examples of God's legacy of faithfulness to us. 

We'd like these stories to be short (~2 minutes) and focused on one event, theme, or experience. You are welcome to share more than one story, of course. Remote or in-person opportunities are available and possible! Please contact Katie Shull for further details and to schedule your interview or recording session. 

To learn more, watch the video below: 


Artist Michael Belk

"Journeys with the Messiah", August 20-21

Michael Belk's fine art exhibit, Journeys with the Messiah, will be on display at FAB during August. Belk, an award-winning fashion photographer, left his career to explore the modern-day relevance of Jesus through photography. He traveled to Materna, Italy, where he hired a crew and began the project. While the Materna setting resembles first century Israel and the actor portraying Jesus is clad in first century attire, the other subjects in the artwork are from the 21st century. 

Through his art, Belk explores the relevance of Jesus to life in modern times. 

Saturday, August 20th: Meet the Artist

Sunday, August 21st: Belk will use his storytelling skills to link his photographs to Scripture

To learn more about Michael Belk and his work, click below: 

About the Artist

mementos of Fab's sesquicentennial

As we celebrate Fifth Avenue Baptist Church's 150th birthday, we can all reflect on our own experiences within this great church. Some of us are wisdom driven or mission minded, while others may minister relationally to other members. Whatever your passion for Christ may be, we are so grateful you are or have been part of FAB. 

As a memento for this special year, the church is offering four suncatchers to mark this year of celebration. 

You can use them in your windows, as ornaments, or as gifts. They will be available for purchase before Sunday School and after Worship each Sunday beginning, March 13th for $10/each. Shipping is available for out of town orders. For questions or to purchase, contact Joyce Bunch at (304-638-2045) or

  • FAB Columns represent the legacy of our church, familiar and steadfast for us during the last 100+ years. The columns have long stood for our statements of faith. 
  • The heart and hands represent missions. Whether it was Nicaragua, Alaska, youth trips, delivering Christmas baskets, taking communion to shut-ins, Helpington, or other outreaches, your hands showed God's love to those who needed to see that they had not been forgotten. 
  • The Rose is known as a symbol of God at work in any situation. We often rush by our rose garden as we hurry to our Sunday School classes, but there are times when we pause to see its beauty, appreciating the world God created for us. Through the years, our church staffs, groups, and fellow Christians have prayed in this garden as they sought God's will. Many cut blooms have served as gifts for the hospitalized and homebound as a reminder that the beauty and peace of God's world still exists. 
  • The Singing Christmas Tree was presented by our church as a gift to the community for over two decades. Many of us and our children have fond memories of that special time. Even if you weren't part of our church in those years, the Christmas tree in our sanctuary adds to our anticipation as we prepare for the birth of Christ as God's perfect gift to the world.