We have a ministry for you

"Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many." -1 Corinthians 12:12-14 (NIV)

Church is more than where we go; it's who we are. At FAB, we believe God has blessed each one of us with unique gifts and talents, and it is our responsibility to use those gifts to glorify His name, build up His church, and serve His people.

If you are looking for a way to serve God and others, find your place in one of our ministries. If you're ready to get involved, click here and one of our ministry leaders will contact you soon.

  • children's ministrY

    The children’s ministry at Fifth Avenue Baptist Church plants seeds of faith in the lives of our children that will one day, by God’s grace, grow and bear fruit. Visit our Children's Ministry page to learn more.

  • Youth Ministry

    Members of FAB Youth participate in a wide range of activities that build their faith, equip them for the future, and encourage them in their discipleship and fellowship with one another. Visit our Youth page to learn more.

  • College & Young Adults

    Whether you grew up attending Fifth Avenue Baptist Church (FAB) or you're attending school in Huntington, FAB can be your "Home" away from Home. 


    We find great joy in making and enjoying music together, and you are welcome to join us! Our music ministry includes the Chancel Choir, Instrumental Ensemble, Handbell Choir, and the young adult ensemble Lifesong, as well as opportunities for children and youth. Visit our Worship & Music page to learn more.


    Our American Baptist Women's Ministry is committed to serve Jesus Christ and His church. Our ABW Circles are very involved in local ministries throughout Huntington. Visit our Missions page to learn more about our Circles.

  • Blessings in a backpack

    Our Blessings in a Backpack program at Central City Elementary School provides low-income children with a backpack of easy-to-prepare food 38 weekends a year. Volunteers from FAB and other churches deliver the food to the school on Thursday afternoons. Email Minister of Missions & Outreach Bill Sheils to learn more.

  • Greeting Card Ministry

    The Greeting Card Ministry places pre-addressed envelopes and cards at our church entrances four times a year to show homebound members and friends that they are in our thoughts and prayers. You and your family are invited to take a card, write a message of encouragement, place a stamp on it, and put it in the mail. Email Gay Hensley Bird to learn more.

  • lay visitation ministry

    Members of the lay visitation team regularly visit our homebound members and friends, offering prayer, presence, and encouragement. Email Assistant Minister of Pastoral Care Ann Niday to learn more.


    There are countless ways to participate in our Nicaragua ministry, from sponsoring a child at Remar Orphanage to joining us on a mission trip. We lead construction and medical mission trips, and our annual December trip includes Christmas shopping for the Remar children. Visit our Nicaragua page to learn more.

  • prayer shawl ministry

    Shawls knitted by our Prayer Shawl Ministry are blessed and given to those who have experienced serious illness, lost a loved one, or gone through other challenges. They are also given in celebration of a new birth, marriage, high school graduation, and other milestones. Email Debbie Sheils to learn more.