The best way to discover the true character of Fifth Avenue Baptist Church is to join a Sunday School class. Sunday School is a place where we grow in faith, engage in ministry, and build real, lasting relationships with one another. Our adult Sunday School classes are listed below. We offer five permanent classes and an occasional elective class on a special topic. Classes meet throughout the church from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Members of our Pathfinder team are positioned at our entrances each Sunday to assist you in finding a class.
sunday Bible Studies
Coram Deo Class
The Coram Deo class is made up of adults of all ages and is led by various teachers that are class and congregation members. Coram Deo is deeply involved in supporting the ministries of FAB and also the various projects in our community, Contact our class president, Darrin Bird , for more information, like us on Facebook!
Koinonia Class
The Koinonia class consists of friendly, caring, and devoted people of all ages, both married and single. Led by a team of teachers, our approach is a combination of teaching and group discussion. Our focus is growth and maturity through Christian education and fellowship, fostering a positive impact on our families, church, and community. Prayer requests and celebrations are shared each week.
Agape Class
The word "Agape" truly describes our class. We've been together for approximately 35 years, and our members include married couples and singles ages 50 and up. We host a variety of teachers throughout the year and enjoy getting together for fun and fellowship. We are active in FAB's Nicaragua ministry and other mission projects. Contact Class President Roger Sizemore at 304.617.5347 for more information.
Homebuilders Class
The Homebuilders class is made up of mostly "empty nesters," including both singles and married couples in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. We host a wide variety of teachers, providing great diversity in subjects discussed with a spiritual theme. We organize social events several times a year and are active in both local and international missions. Contact Class President Dr. Tony Williams for more information.
Friendship Class
The Friendship Class was first formed by young adults around 1950. As the members grew older, raised children, participated fully in church activities and missions, and retired from jobs, the class has stayed together and now represents the older generation of FAB. The class enjoys a variety of social activities and different teachers during the year who generally use material from the Judson Press as the basis of their lessons.