Join us as we return to Wednesday night ministries on August 21st and 28th at 6:00 pm in the Friendship Class as we prepare together for the upcoming Smyth & Helwys Fall Bible studies. Cornerstone, Coram Deo, Koinonia, and Agape all use Smyth & Helwys to guide their studies. Any and all who are planning to teach this fall, are interested in teaching, or just interested in the overview for the fall, should plan to join us. With a spirit of curiosity and cooperative exploration, Pastor Alicia will lead us in engaging with the Bible passages and preparing to engage with one another in our classes.
Here’s the scope and sequence: September: I John: “The
Word of Life”; October: I and II Chronicles: “Temple and
Covenant”; November: Job, Isaiah, Matthew, Revelation:
“After This Life”; December: Luke: “Luke’s Christmas Story