Intergenerational Ministries

John 13:34-35.  "A new command I give you:  Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."   Fifth Avenue Baptist Church is expanding opportunities for its congregation to love one another  through pray and intergenerational support. .  Offering three opportunities with  Pray4Me, Heart2Heart and the Men's Prayer Breakfast. 

If you have questions please contact our church office.    


Please continue to reach out to your prayer partners for their prayer requests.  We will be having our Pray4Me "Ice Cream Social" in  the Spring, so look for save the date information in the near future.  Questions? 

Please contact Rev. Alicia Porterfield.  


Heart to Heart is an intergenerational prayer partnership for women from teens to senior adults that fosters spiritual friendships based on prayer. Each month, you and your Heart to Heart sister will get together to catch up, support and pray with one another. In between those visits, texts, calls, and emails will keep you current on one another’s needs and joys.  Look for information about the Heart2Heart spring luncheon in the months ahead.  


Monthly Men's Breakfast

The first Saturday of the month Fifth Avenue Baptist Church has a men's breakfast in Fellowship Hall.  Any age is invited to this inter-generational ministry.  Starting at 8:00 am it is a great way to start you Saturday and your weekend.. The next Men's Breakfast will be March 7, 2020.  If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact John Hayes or Todd Taylor.  .