Fifth Avenue Baptist Church's Annual Youth Camp.
Come and join Fifth Avenue Baptist Church's 2018 FAB Camp. Please fill out an individual form per each youth registering. Cost is $45.00. Camp is held at Guyan Baptist Association Camp in Ona, WV. Camp is scheduled Friday, July 27 to July 29th with check in on Friday July 27th from 5:00-6:00. Camp's theme is
"This is my Story". All activities will support this theme including games, devotions, guest speakers, decorations and crafts. Your youth will make new friends, enjoy delicious food , have free time and explore and grow in their personal story of their relationship with God and Jesus. In addition to registering, please have a medical release form and image release form completed. Cell phones and keys will be turned in on youth's arrival and returned on departure.
Youth attending camp will need to have a medical release and image release form
Click Here to Register
Click Here for Medical and Image Release Forms