Adult Spiritual Growth Retreat 2020

Parchment Valley

Friday, March 13, 7:00 pm - 

Sat., March 14, 1:00 pm


Our 2020 Spiritual Growth Retreat returns to Parchment Valley, a beautiful, peaceful setting for time away from our regular routines. This year our retreat   during Lent, the intentional season that prepares us for Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. Our time together will center on "The Gift of Sabbath: Creation, Commandment, and Call. We will explore the Biblical foundations for sabbath keeping, consider modern sabbath practices, and spend time together in prayer and worship. The retreat will begin at 7:00 pm Friday and end by 1:00 pm Saturday.  Cost is $75 for double occupancy and $50 for single.  Checks are made payable to Fifth Avenue Baptist Church (memo line:  Spiritual Growth Retreat) and can be turned in to Alicia or Donna in the church office.  Scholarships available; please contact Alicia for more information. 

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