Lent 2020 


We observe Lent as an intentional season in the church year designed to prepare us to fully embrace the   crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord.

Click Here for Front of Lenten Brochure

Click Here for Back of Lenten Brochure

Click Here for Daily Scripture Readings

Click Here for Children's Ministry

Click Here for Youth Ministry

Click Here for Music Ministry Lenten Information

   Click Here for Lenten Missions

Click Here for Lenten Spiritual Growth Retreat



Holy Week

  Holy Week Breakfast Devotions: 

Monday April 6

Tuesday, April 7

Wednesday April 8

We will gather in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 am

for breakfast, prayer, and reflection on scripture. 

Maundy Thursday Service:

      April 9 // 7 pm

Good Friday Services:

     April 10 // 12 pm //

Downtown Church’s Community Service at

Fifth Avenue Baptist Church

7 pm // FAB Service // Sanctuary


Easter Sunday

April 12

    Sunday School:  9:30 am

     Worship: 10:45 am

“Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ”



Sundays During Lent   

March 1: 1st Sunday of Lent:     

  “Sin: The Temptation to Take Control,” 

Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7,                

Rev. Eric S. Porterfield

March 8: 2nd Sunday of Lent:          

Calling: Blessed To Be A Blessing,”     

Genesis 12:1-4a,                 

Rev. Eric S. and Rev. Alicia Porterfield

March 15:  3rd Sunday of Lent:

Thirst: From Panic to Provision,”   

Exodus 17:1-7,                             

Rev. Eric S. Porterfield

March 22: 4th Sunday of Lent:     

Matters of the Heart,”              

I Samuel 16:1-13,  

Pastor Davontaé Edwards

Organ Recital 3 pm // Sanctuary  Presented by Jon Brannon

March 29: 5th Sunday of Lent:      

“Hope: From Despair to New Life,”   

Ezekiel 37:1-14,                         

Rev. Eric S. Porterfield

Taizé Lenten Service:  6 pm // Chapel     

Dr. John Campbell, Minister of Music                

April 5:  Palm Sunday: “Hosanna”  

Matthew 21: 1-11 ”                      

Rev. Alicia Porterfield



Lenten Daily Scripture Readings            

Our FAB family will join together in  reading daily scripture beginning Wednesday, February 26.          Reading guides will be available on February 23rd

Wednesday nights

Lenten Discipleship Groups

On March 4, 11, 18 and April 1 at 6 pm we will have three different groups meeting to engage with the week‘s               Gospel Lesson:

"Engaging with the Word”

Seeing:  Beginner’s Bible Journaling: Come learn about meditating on God’s Word in a uniquely personal way through art and journaling. Each week Katie Shull  will demonstrate a new Bible Journaling technique  (Cornerstone Classroom 3rd floor).

Hearing: Lectio Divina, or “divine reading” is a trusted and ancient pattern of reading shorter passages of scripture at a slow, purposeful pace to allow time and space for the Holy Spirit to speak. Join Eric Porterfield for a time of reflective listening to God’s Word.

 (Fellowship Hall).

Caring: Within the call to love one another as Christ has loved us lies the call to caregiving. All those who offer care in any form for a loved one, whether a parent, child, spouse, sibling, or friend, are invited to join this group for a time of listening, learning, and reflecting together on the gifts and challenges of caregiving. Facilitated by Ann Niday and Alicia Porterfield  (Friendship Classroom)  


Note: No Wednesday Night Activities March 25 (CCS Spring Break) or April 8 (Holy Week).          



     Thursday Lenten Bible Study             Woodlands     

11 am

March 5 to April 2